Planning application (ref (PL/21/0130/FA) has been submitted for a rabbit farm at Magpie Lane, Amersham Road, Coleshill, near the Harte & Magpies Pub. The application is for the "erection of a temporary rural workers' dwelling and agricultural building with access and parking" for the main purpose of farming rabbits for meat which would be slaughtered on site. Mr. Phil Kerry is the applicant and he runs 4 other rabbit farms in the country. The land extends to 13.5 acres.
If you wish to object to this application, you can either log in online to the Chiltern and South Bucks Planning portal or simply send an email (including your name and postal address) to planning.comments.csb@buckinghamshire I suggest that if you live in Chiltern District that you ask one of your Bucks Council Councillors to "call in" this application, in order to get it before the planning committee (rather than being decided by a planning officer). Here are my notes on my points of objection:
The site is in Green Belt and the erection of the workers' accommodation, agricultural building, access and parking would harm the openness of the Green Belt.
The site is within 500m of a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Hodgemoor Wood. This development would harm the amenity of that site.
The site is close to the Harte & Magpies Pub and would harm the amenity and business of the pub and its patrons.
The site is in the AONB and the proposed development damages the special characteristics of the AONB.
Noise, light pollution and smell would harm the amenity of nearby cottages and the Harte & Magpie pub.
The Waste Minimisation Strategy refers to the creation of animal carcass waste and animal droppings and other animal waste. From this is it seems that the rabbits will be slaughtered on site and carcasses removed by contractors. The strategy says the droppings "are allowed to fertilise the underlying grass" and "other waste such as used bedding is allowed to compost." This would be happening next to a pub and other nearby cottages, thus harming their amenity and encouraging vermin.
The spread of disease is a big concern. In December, the World Health Organisation published details of a disease outbreak of the virus that causes Covid-19 on mink farms in Denmark - What biosafety and biosecurity measures would be put in place to limit the risk of zoonotic events such as infection prevention and control measures for animal workers, farm visitors and those involved in animal husbandry and culling? In the UK there have been outbreaks of Covid at meat production premises.
The proposed buildings and multiple cages would be visible from nearby public rights of way COL 1/2, COL 1A/1 and COL 2/4, harming the visual beauty of the landscape.
The proposal would harm the adjacent traditional orchard priority habitat at Bower's Farm.
The ugly design of the buildings would not enhance and conserve the special qualities of the AONB.
The application breaches Local Plan policies CS22 and LSQ1 and also the AONB Management Plan and NPPF.
No Landscape or Visual Impact Assessment is included with the application.
The proposed tarmac access would crossing the site and together with the parking would harm the visual beauty of the AONB and Green Belt.
Last but not least, concerns over animal welfare and cruelty.
I have submitted my objection to Chiltern & South Bucks.
I tried to object using the email address, but it came back as 'Undeliverable'. I will try again via the Council portal