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Alison Wheelhouse

Independent Candidate for Bucks Council and Beaconsfield Town Council 2021 (promoted by John Kirkland on behalf of Alison Wheelhouse both of 38 Dedmere Road, Marlow SL7 1PG)

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Deadline approaching to apply for a postal vote

If you would like to apply for a postal vote, act quickly! The deadline is 5pm on 20th April (and if you're not already registered to...

Allotments & gas lighting

The Old Town allotment holders were forced off their land yesterday, just as Conservative Candidates are today claiming to have given...

Why hasn't the Road to Nowhere been completed?

In 2014, a sister company to Inland Homes, Wilton Park Developments Ltd, applied for planning consent to build the section of the Road to...

How to object to rabbit farm on A355

Planning application (ref (PL/21/0130/FA) has been submitted for a rabbit farm at Magpie Lane, Amersham Road, Coleshill, near the Harte &...

New Bucks Local Plan initial stages

Those of you who followed my fight to save our Green Belt will already know how hard I worked for the past 5 years to defeat the daft...

Zebra crossings for the A355?

In non-Covid times, it is very difficult to cross the A355 at busy times; in fact, impossible to do so safely at certain times. I know...

A little about me and why I'd like your vote on 6th May

I would like voters to judge Candidates on what they have done for the town; choose people who don't just talk a good one! Purely as an...

Local Elections announced for 6th May

On 6th May you will be able to vote in these 2 elections: 1. for new Bucks Council councillors (3 councillors for Beaconsfield) plus 2....

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