In non-Covid times, it is very difficult to cross the A355 at busy times; in fact, impossible to do so safely at certain times. I know this from personal experience.
Prior to Covid and even more so during the pandemic, many of us, myself included, have been enjoying the walk along the public footpath which crosses the A355 fields and leads to the Road to Nowhere and continues across the golf club to the woods and Seer Green beyond. BUT, it is difficult to cross the A355 safely.
Some residents would like a zebra crossing across the A355 from Ronald Road. I think this is needed. And I think safer access to the allotments could be looked at also, by looking at the best positioning of such a crossing and a pavement.
But we need to see proper traffic modelling, to model the impact of not one but two zebra crossings on the A355 (including the Inland one at London End/Park Lane) and the added impact of HS2 traffic AND we need proper pollution monitoring. I asked South Bucks Area planning Committee for this modelling and monitoring to be done before granting detailed planning consent for Phases 1 & 2 at Wilton Park but they ignored that request. Speed restrictions and traffic calming, for example, may also be needed. Imagine HS2 HGVs laden with spoil, hurtling towards a zebra crossing.
So, what’s the deal with a zebra crossing on the A355 at Park Lane/London End? Here’s Inland Homes’ plan showing the proposed London End signal controlled zebra crossing (which will be controlled by traffic lights):
The timing for construction of the zebra crossing with traffic lights is scheduled for after the completion of the relief road, but this could be varied. Traffic lights at that junction will certainly have an impact!
Coming up in my next blog - how much HS2 traffic will there be on the A355?